These ten things making my life a little more enjoyable RIGHT now:
1 -
Pandora Radio. It is awesome, and it is FREE. Makes the old office gig a nicer place. You can set up your own stations, and rate songs as they come on so it can detect your preferences and play the music you like! Love it! One complaint is that they tend to re-play a lot...but I figure if it is a song I like, I don't mind hearing it often!
2 -
Idaho Vandals. Love them all the time, but especially right now. They are playing football this season like they mean it, and it has been a true joy to watch a be a part of. Not to mention that I have two degrees from this fine institution that I could NOT be more proud of or more thankful to have.
3 - Free overnight shipping, free returns for a year, more shoes than you could shake a stick at. I don't think I need to say more.
4 -
Sons of Anarchy. This is a show on FX. Tuesday nights. It is SO good. There are two more episodes left in the second season. I would highly recommend this to anyone, but rent season one and start from the beginning. It is a hamlet re-do. SO good.
5 - Country music. I cannot get enough lately. I grew up in a super small town in Idaho, and kind of rebelled against the "country" way of life, and truly regret it now. It is so cool! I didn't know what I was being exposed to at the time, and was a little "too good" for it, now I think that I should have had more appreciation for the unique, rare, and special way of life that was all around me! I want Brooks and Dunn Number 1s and Then Some for Christmas. Thank you.
6 - My Toyota Prius. Somehow this car gets 50 MPG when the seat warmers are on. How does it do that? Love this car, except, I think that my specific one is a bit cursed. For some reason we can't seem to take it out without it getting all wrecked up.
7 - Diet Dr. Pepper. Um, yum.
8 -
Have a Cute Day. I recently discovered this blog, and LOVE it. She is adorable. Some of her stuff, I am like..."eeeeee, maybe I am not sure about that..." but she is pretty dang cute.
9 -
Simplify Supper. Yes, I would like to do that, thanks. I don't follow this day to day, but it has some fun ideas!
10 -
WISP. Does this seem gimmicky? It is. But I love them. You can brush your teeth whenever, and
wherever you want.
Hope everyone out there has a great weekend! It is almost Thanksgiving (I also love Thanksgiving)