Sunday, October 18, 2009

I've been in a funk.

But I think I am coming out of it now!

It doesn't hurt that the Dodgers are in the playoffs, the Vandals are in first place in the WAC, and my fantasy football team finally decided to win a few games! I think my funk is mainly seasonally driven. I miss fall so bad, and I am currently so homesick I could CRY! But I have so very much to be thankful for, I have a job, a wonderful husband, and my health. I am starting to climb my way out of my funk, which will hopefully result in some more blogging! I have a few things to put up on here! Dru is doing so great in school. He has one more mid-term and then hopefully things will slow down a bit for him. He is still liking his new job, and continuing to do well at it!
I probably won't end up dressing up for Halloween this here is a photo of me in a hot dog costume. Why didn't I purchase this??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are cute. Kellie Pickler is a copycat.