Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Fun

Theeeeeey're Baaaaaaack!

These folks put up a live stream of their puppies whenever their dog has a litter. These little guys are especially cute. Last round of puppies I spent a rather embarrassing amount of time watching the puppies...and then on adoption day, I sat in bed and cried - tears of sadness, tears of joy...

Check this out, but I have to warn you that it is a little addicting, and a bit over the top cute.

These puppies are Shiba Inu, and just about as cute as it gets. They are tiny right now...but not to worry...they grow REAL fast!

Have a great weekend all!

P.S. We saw Dru's Mom yesterday, and she looked great, and is continuing to make awesome progress! Love it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh you are KIDDING ME!? My productivity just went down several notches.