Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Will I ever be this cool?


I want to start using this blog for a little more than "Dru and I did this," and "Dru and I did that..." I want to start using this blog to share with people some of my thoughts, and some of the things that I would bring up in a regular conversation if I were to have a regular conversation with a close friend. I also want to start sharing some other blogs that I find interesting, entertaining and inspiring.

I came across this blog that I found in a Yahoo! news headline. This young woman is cooler at thirteen than I can ever dream of becoming. Her insight on fashion coupled with her apparently very high intelligence and a splash of her adorable naivety make this blog my new addiction.

If you are not super or even mildly into fashion, you may not find this blog on your favorites list, but you HAVE to go, at least once, to check this young woman out. She is quite amazing, and a beacon of hope in a world where I am seeing less and less creativity. What an inspiration!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

One Year

Dru and I were married a year ago (our actual anniversary is tomorrow, the sixth). I cannot believe that it has already been one year! We have done so much! Moved twice, bought a car, new jobs for both of us, Dru started school...we have been super busy, but are loving every minute of married life. I love my Mr. Dru and can't wait to be married to him for like a hundred more years!