Monday, March 8, 2010

It's a wonderful night for Oscar...or not.

I usually don't really get into the Oscars, but I have to say that last night's Oscar telecast was AWESOME...sort of.

What I loved:

The Hosts. Mr.s Martin and Baldwin did a great job. Not so over the top, yet well thought out and lots of humor.

The fashion. For the most part, I thought the fashions of the evening were FAB with a few exceptions...but loved what most of the ladies were wearing.

The speeches. That is right, the speeches. I thought that the speeches, for the most part, were FAB with few exceptions...

The feel. I read an article this morning talking about how there was a general feel of "family" at the ceremony last night, and I completely concur, and loved it.

Things I didn't love so much include:

The dance routine...I mean seriously, YUCK. Thank lord for modern day telly enabling me to fast-forward over those 45 minutes.

The winners. PA-LEASE.

The In Memorandum. This is usually my favorite part of any awards show ( I demented?), but the gross exclusions including Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Bea Arther were poor, and that is putting it mildly. I realize that the Oscars are for film, and these three were primarily involved in television, but as members of the entertainment community, I think they got snubbed.

Did I mention the winners? PA-LEASE.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Tabetha!

My sister had a birthday last week. To celebrate we had lunch with our favorite BF, Challise.

And then on her actual birthday, to celebrate she and I went to Disneyland for the day!

Super fun, and a great way to celebrate a birthday!

Here are some photos from our fun day.
Tabetha in front of the castle.
Tabetha and me on Splash Mountain. I was EXTRA terrified because they put me in the very back of the log, and the seat was HUGE. I swore I was going to fall out. Luckily I did not.
Tabetha's Disney dessert!
And her at home dessert, awesome cupcakes!

I hope Tabetha had a great birthday this year! I know I had a ball! Next up for birthdays this year...the one and only: MR. DRU!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Fun

Theeeeeey're Baaaaaaack!

These folks put up a live stream of their puppies whenever their dog has a litter. These little guys are especially cute. Last round of puppies I spent a rather embarrassing amount of time watching the puppies...and then on adoption day, I sat in bed and cried - tears of sadness, tears of joy...

Check this out, but I have to warn you that it is a little addicting, and a bit over the top cute.

These puppies are Shiba Inu, and just about as cute as it gets. They are tiny right now...but not to worry...they grow REAL fast!

Have a great weekend all!

P.S. We saw Dru's Mom yesterday, and she looked great, and is continuing to make awesome progress! Love it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am so happy to report that Beth, my Mother-in-Law, made it through her surgery yesterday without a hitch! The surgery lasted TEN hours, but we are through it and on the other side! Dr. R. was really happy with how things went, and was almost giddy when he was sharing the post surgery rundown with the family. He had us all in tears when he told us what a strong woman Beth is, and how proud he was of her. What a wonderful man he is.

After the surgery was finished we had to wait SEVERAL hours to see Beth, but once we saw her the wait was well worth it. She looked really good. Tired, but good.

The road ahead for Beth is long, and will not be without curves, and bumps, but we are over a BIG hurdle, and that is a wonderful thing!

Again, my thanks for all of the support and love.

Maybe I will post about something fun soon! Photos of our new place to come...once we get unpacked!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Today is the day...

Many of you may remember reading this

Due to many roadblocks including, finances, job, medical reasons, and other general logistics, Beth's surgery has been put off and off and off.

I have not been blogging about it only because information has kind of been day-to-day, and there has not been a lot of solid information to report. So in an effort to not confuse all three of my readers, I have not shared all of the information as it has come to me, and at this time I am thankful for that because it has changed so many times I think I would have driven us all crazy.

My latest tag line has been "I am not saying anything until the scalpel touches the skin," well friends, this morning at 7:15 the scalpel touched the skin, and Beth's surgery is underway.

This surgery is very intense (I believe it will be about 8 - 10 hours long today), and Beth will have a long road to recovery ahead of her. I am so happy that this surgery is finally happening, and cannot wait until my Mother-in-Law is able to feel a bit better as she moves on to her next adventure in life. She deserves happiness and comfort.

I will provide many updates on this blog as to how she is doing, and hopefully the information will get to the people who care about her and are interested in her condition.

All the thoughts, prayers, donations, love, support, friendship, help, advice, and so on have been beyond appreciated, and have truly helped my family get to today, and will surely help us get through what is beyond today. For these things, I thank you all.

If any of you know me, you know that I love to laugh and believe humor to be very important and one of my strongest attributes. I will leave you all with this quote from one of the funniest fellas around. It is helping me keep what is important close to me, and it is helping me to chuckle my way through what has been, and will continue to be, and pretty tough situation.

“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.” - Bill Cosby

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today I DON'T like:

-My outfit.
-The fact that I am moving in one week (I am so tired of moving already!)
-The fact that I haven't blogged in over a month.
-Too much STRESS!!!

I am going to RELAX, I am going to CALM DOWN, and am going to BREATH.

More blogging (with less complaining!) coming soon!

Even though I don't want to go through the actual moving PROCESS, I cannot wait until we are in our new place! I will post photos of it as soon as it is done and perfect! In the meantime I guess you all will have to listen to my gripes! Sorry.

Just so this post is not the absolute worst post EVER, I am including this hilarious photo of my Mom and me at Disneyland (last March on my Birthday). She is not looking at the camera. I am pulling some hilarious face. MAN I miss her! If you ever want to feel the purest kind of joy - go to Disneyland with my won't be sorry you did!