Monday, July 20, 2009

Love this guy!

Our friend Matthew was visiting from Canada (without our other friend, his wonderful wife, Mona :( although we miss them so much we take what we can get and are delighted by it!). He was only here for a short time for work, but we were able to get an evening out with him, and we had so much fun! First stop = Super Sergio's for some burritos. Second stop = O'Brien's Pub for some beer and burgers. That is right, burritos AND cheeseburgers. Did I mention that our time was limited and we love Matthew?? Well, I will spare you every detail of our evening and get on with some photos, but it just made our week to get to see our friend who we miss so much! Next time we want some Mona too! We hope to get to Canada sometime in the somewhat near future so that we can see some more of those Canadians that we love so much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wait. I'm not 100% clear about how you feel about Matthew and Mona...