Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here we go!

I really wanted to get a blog in before leaving for Seattle today, so here it is. This one is going to be short and sweet. I am heading to Seattle this afternoon with my AMIGA Karla. We are running the Seattle Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon on Saturday! Hopefully running it, that is! We have both been sick the last couple of weeks, which has really put a wrench in the old training! I am sure we will do great! Can't wait to get to Seattle, run the race, see my pal Jake, and get to spend some time with Dru's parents. I will post many photos when we return, however, for today, here is a random photo of Dru and me from the last time we were in Seattle (last Thanksgiving). Dru will be joining us in the great northwest tomorrow!

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