Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wild Animal Park

Today I went to the Wild Animal Park with Dru's Mom, Beth and Dru's Cousin, Jack. We had tons of fun, and even rode the zip line! I love the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. We have been members of the Zoological Society for a few years, and I always enjoy going and seeing the beautiful animals. The Wild Animal Park is especially cool because the animals have TONS of space, and they re-construct their natural habitats as best they can right here in San Diego. They also focus on re-introducing endangered species into the wild. Pretty cool stuff. The zip line was pretty cool. I have to admit I was pretty scared on the tower (1000 feet above the park) before the lady pulled my trigger! There was a nice couple who did it with us who got a photo of me, and promised they would email it to me...if they do, I will post it.

These little guys are kind of hard to see...but they are three brand new baby CHEETAHS in their little incubator.

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